As we’ve had some nightmarish experiences with phone cameras in the past we were very pleasantly surprised by the camera shooting speed of the HTC Sensation while we were testing it. So after reading the following today on Nokia’s official blog, pared with the graph above, regarding the new Nokia N9 camera we wanted run own comparison.
From Nokia’s blog:
Jens continues from here to explain the speed of the camera.
Jens Wilke: Once you press the on-screen camera key, the image is taken immediately. It’s the fastest image-capturing phone on the market. In order to take a photo, a series of events must occur: the camera is turned on, viewfinder is ready, focus on the subject and the image is captured. On the Nokia N9, this all happens in 2.6 seconds – much faster than our competitors. The HTC HD7 does all this in 8.3 seconds, the Samsung i5500 Galaxy 5 takes 5.8 seconds and the Apple iPhone 4 does this in 3 seconds. We’ve made sure the camera experience is as smooth and as fast as possible.
In Nokia’s test the N9 manages to beat even the venerable Canon S95 camera, and at 2.6 seconds it’s definitely fast and smooth.
We decided to run a similar test of our own on the new HTC Sensation. We first timed the latency between launching the camera app from the lock screen to taking a successful photo and then repeated that test from the phone’s home screen. The result, which you can see for yourself below, shows that our first impression was correct: the Sensation can take photos really fast. Actually playing back our recording in slow motion shows the phone managing to take a picture from cold in even less than 2 seconds. Nokia consider yourself beaten.
[Nokia Conversations – Nokia N9]