Apple has upgraded the MacBook Pro laptop range with faster Sandy Bridge processors, better graphics and more storage. The changes are internal rather than cosmetic, and prices remain the same, you just get more for your money.
The entry level $1,199 13-inch MacBook Pro gets a dual-core Core i5 2.4GHz processor and 500GB hard drive as standard, while for $1,499 you can bump the processor to a dual-core Core i7 2.8Ghz and storage to 750GB. The $1,799 and $2,199 15-inch models come with Core i7 2.2GHz and 2.4GHz processors, with 500GB and 750GB hard drives respectively; the latter gets a new AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1GB GDDR5 graphics card as well. Finally the $2,499 17-inch MacBook Pro gets a Core i7 2.4GHz processor, 750GB and the new Radeon HD 6770M 1GB GDDR5 graphics card.
The MBPs however haven’t received the expected bump to Bluetooth 4.0, that the 2011 Mac Mini, the MacBook Air and the iPhone 4S have received.